
​Qualifying Education is the required coursework an individual must successfully complete in order to obtain an appraiser license or an apprentice permit.

Apprentice Permit:  75 hours of Board-approved Qualifying Education courses must be successfully completed prior to application
Licensed Residential Appraiser:  1​50 hours of Board-approved Qualifying Education courses must be successfully completed prior to application
Certified Residential Appraiser:  200 hours of Board-approved Qualifying Education courses must be successfully completed prior to application
Certified General Appraiser:  300 hours of Board-approved Qua​lifying Education courses must be successfully completed prior to application​

For the approved Qualifying Education course list, click here. Courses are listed under course providers and course format type

Continuing Education is the required fourteen (14) hours of education an individual must take in order to renew their apprentice permit or appraiser license each year.

WVREALCB will not award credit for a course that has been previously submitted f​or any of the previous three (3) renewal cycles.  The exception is the 7-hour National USPAP Update Course which may be taken yearly, although it is only required every two (2) years.
Continuing Education courses must be completed between October 1st of the previous year through September 30th of the licensing year.
If a Supervisor/Trainee course was taken in the afore mentioned period, it will count towards Continuing Education.​​
If an initial license/permit was issued after April 1st, then the applicant is exempt from providing Continuing Education.
Effective January 1, 2015, licensees applying for renewal are required to successfully complete a three (3) hour West Virginia Law Course, with exam, every four (4) years.  This course does not count towards the fourteen (14) hours of continuing education, but is in addition to the fourteen (14) hours.

For the approved Continuing Education course list, click ​here​. Courses are listed under course providers and course format type​